Geese Fear Wells Family
From The Cincinnati Enquirer, May 5, 2013 by Val Prevish, Enquirer contributor When a large flock of geese suddenly began gathering on Elder High School’s 65-acre athletic complex two years ago, leaving droppings where students practiced and played games, the school’s facilities manager, Dick McCoy, knew he needed to do something fast. “The first day […]
Away With Geese deterrent featured on DIY Network
One Cincinnati entrepreneur’s latest invention is getting national attention for easily and effectively getting rid of the pesky Canada Geese that many a Midwesterner is familiar with. AwayWithGeese, developed by Thomas Wells of Sayler Park, has been on the market for seven years. The solar-powered device works by emitting bursts of light that simulate the […]
Goal: Clean fields
The Valley Breeze (Cumberland, RI) By Paul Dubois, Sports Editor CUMBERLAND – They’ve been a source of complaints for years, have damaged untold athletic fields and lawns, and their droppings are creating health hazards. Canadian geese – or more accurately, Canada geese. You’ve seen them congregating in open fields wherever there is a nearby pond. […]
Tool to Scatter Geese Gaining Sales
Away With Geese, a start-up founded four years ago in the garage of a Sayler Park entrepreneur to create a product that repels geese, found its wings in 2009. Plenty of changes have come to this small company of three employees with sales across North America: A new home in a former brake manufacturing plant […]
Solar-Powered Light Keeps Geese Away
Farm Show, Volume 33, Issue 3 A flashing light bar designed for police cars gave Tom Wells an idea for an invention to deter geese. When a friend asked him to help get rid of geese on his ponds, he remembered getting a headache from the annoying light when he was exposed to one for […]
Mother Goose…Queen of Fertility
Everybody loves Canada geese (Branta canadensis). They are the role models of the bird world, beautiful, intelligent, smart, mate for life, excellent parents, survive harsh environmental conditions, battle Mother Nature, migrate and navigate thousands of miles in all kinds of weather. But geese are similar to fertilizer, as in the old farm saying: “A little […]
Away With Geese Featured as ‘Innovative and Humane’ Solution
Away With Geese stands out for a lot of reasons- we are guaranteed, humane, environmentally friendly, and sustainable. These are all things that are super important to us, which is why it’s great to be recognized as such. This video is by Cincinnati’s Local WLWT News, done as a follow-up to another piece about how […]
Family Business, Family Support
At Away With Geese we have pride in a lot of things: that our business is family owned and operated; that my father invented and patented what is the industry leading geese deterrent product; that we have helped thousands of people regain their quality of life… the list goes on. One of the things that […]