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Solar-Powered Light Keeps Geese Away

Farm Show, Volume 33, Issue 3

A flashing light bar designed for police cars gave Tom Wells an idea for an invention to deter geese. When a friend asked him to help get rid of geese on his ponds, he remembered getting a headache from the annoying light when he was exposed to one for several days at a trade show.

He experimented with lights, flashing patterns and colors to come up with a solar-powered, flashing amber LED light that really works.

“It looks like someone lighting a cigarette on the pond. It doesn’t give off a bad light to humans, but geese have sensitive eyesight,” Wells says. “They can’t sleep with it so they move to find a new pond.”

The 4-in. dia. by 5-in. tall lights mount on a poly pipe that can be placed on land or floated on water. The height is specifically designed so the light hits birds directly in the eyes. The solar collector powers the light for up to six days without sun.

Wells founded Away With Geese in 2006 and has sold more than 3,000 of the solar units to people who live near ponds and lakes, and also to golf courses, RV parks and other developed areas. It takes about two weeks to
irritate geese enough to make them move, Wells says. The only exception is a goose with young goslings. She will stick around until her babies can fly.

Solar-powered light mounts on a poly pipe that floats on water or can be buried on land.
With the help of Google Earth maps, Wells helps customers place the light where it will do the most good. Geese generally prefer coves and offsets.
Wells warranties his $349 units for two years.

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