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Away With Geese Earns Better Business Bureau Accreditation

Summary: Goose control company ‘Away With Geese’ announced today that it has met standards required by Better Business Bureau for accreditation with the organization.

Cincinnati, Ohio (PRWEB) November 28, 2013

Geese control company Away With Geese has received official accreditation with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and has received an A+ rating. This demonstrates that Away With Geese wants potential customers to feel comfortable, knowing that the company is credible and trustworthy, when choosing them. The BBB seal will help customers understand who they are and the core values they believe in.

BBB Accreditation means Away With Geese adheres to very high ethical standards. People know they can trust a company that has made the commitment to live up to BBB Code of Business Practices: Build Trust, Advertise Honestly, Tell the Truth, Be Transparent, Honor Promises, Be Responsive, Safeguard Privacy, Embody Integrity.

According to President Tom Wells, “Since our inception in 2006, we have always strived to be upfront and do what is right for and with our customers. Getting this accreditation allows for others to know what kind of business we are and allows for greater transparency of the company. We are honored to receive the accreditation and take our commitment to the BBB Code very seriously.”

Being affiliated with BBB shows Away With Geese is one of a select group of businesses in the community that not only supports BBB’s services but also subscribes to the idea that ethical business is good business and that you “deliver trust” by treating the public in a fair and honest manner.

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