Try Away With Geese™ risk-free today with our 90-day trial – 180-day money-back guarantee!


Residential Spaces

Dear Mr. M: I can appreciate your careful investigation into the Away With Geese devices. Not everything advertised on the Internet is what it seems. I even called and spoke to Tom Wells, founder of the company before purchasing. In this case the product is all that it claims to be. We have tried many things to discourage the geese. Some were pretty weird; I will not enumerate them. We installed the lights August 1, 2010 when we had approximately 250 geese on and around the lake. By August 15 we had no geese except for one with a broken wing and its mate. The original lights are still functioning. The lights are well designed and are made of durable materials. There is no maintenance. Install them with an anchor and let them do their job. Promptly replace the lights should they succumb to vandals or simply wear out. The geese will return if the lights are gone. Life is much simpler now that residents are not harping about the geese and the mess that they leave.

I recommend the lights without qualification.

A Direct Reference from One Happy Client to Another!

I would like to commend you on the Away With Geese product — it is simply amazing! We have lived in northern NJ with our beautiful property that abuts a large pond being COVERED with goose droppings, year after year. As I mentioned, we’d tried a few things, but nothing has worked like your product. We tried “shiny tape” that only worked for a few days and then not at all. We send our dogs out to chase the geese back into the pond, but can only do that when we happen to be downstairs in the room that overlooks the yard and see them there. Most of the time we are in our home office on the other side of the house, so by the time the dogs chase them, the yard is already covered with droppings (again!). I spent a few hours last week walking my 2-acre property and picked up 8 bags of droppings – ugh!

Another New Jersey Yard Reclaimed from Geese!

We live on a 40 acre parcel in Michigan and have two large ponds, 2+ acres and 5+ acres. We tried everything to get rid of the geese and then discovered your Away With Geese product. We installed 5 lights and saw a significant drop in goose traffic the first season. The second season we saw a few geese land but none stayed. It has been one of the best investments we have made as we use our ponds all summer. Also, we were skeptical as to how bright the blinking lights would be and were pleased with how soft the lights were. And excellent customer service.

Enjoying “Soft Lights” and No Geese at Two Ponds in Michigan

Thank you Away With Geese for reclaiming our pond in front of our office. Our employees are now able to enjoy the park like setting to picnic and walk around the pond. Last year the pond and outer area were overrun with geese and what they leave behind. From all the staff, thank you again.

Corporation Now Offers an Enjoyable Pond for Employees in St Paul, Minnesota

I’ve used a Residential Unit on about a 3-acre lake for almost two years. The resident geese left in less than a month. Since then a few will stop by occasionally during the day but leave by sundown and generally do no come back. Overall, I am very satisfied with the results from use of the Residential Unit. It has performed well in temperatures as low as 3F. The only interruption was when
the solar portion was covered with snow/ice for a few days during constant below freezing temperatures that apparently impaired the charging function. I now will check it under similar conditions or just take it inside for short periods where necessary. I highly recommend the Away with Geese products to anyone bothered by these messy pests.

Frigid but Geese-Free on the Lake in North Carolina

We have owned the Away With Geese light for two years. The results have been very impressive to date. Two years ago we had just over 30 geese nesting in and around our 1/4 acre pond. Once the geese have goslings its over. They might run if chased but they still stay near their nesting sight. Once we had the light which we purchased the following early spring, the geese stopped nesting in our pond. If they can see the light they will nest elsewhere.Our one light protects one neighbor’s pond as well as ours. Our neighbor on the other side has a pond protected by thick brush so the geese can’t see the light. The geese don’t annoy them and since we are fenced they will not come over to our side. So if the geese will not nest at your pond, they won’t stay. The light will blink all night every night for a week without sun. One sunny day will recharge it to full charge. In summary, the light works great. If something would happen to it we would order another one immediately.

Geese are Gone from Neighbors’ Pondside Property too!

Commercial Spaces

Thank you Away With Geese for reclaiming our pond in front of our office. Our employees are now able to enjoy the park like setting to picnic and walk around the pond. Last year the pond and outer area were overrun with geese and what they leave behind. From all the staff, thank you again.

Corporation Now Offers an Enjoyable Pond for Employees in St Paul, Minnesota

We had approximately 20 geese that were taking over our amphitheater and pond in the middle of our Class A office space. The mess that was being left on a daily basis was extreme. We added one light in the middle of our pond the problem practically disappeared over night. We occasionally see one or two geese but never for more than a day. It has been the most cost-effective, convenient, and effective product we have ever used.

The Most Cost-effective, Convenient, and Effective Product We Have Ever Used

I would like to thank you on such a great product. I have purchased 3 lights, 2 for land and one for a pond, and I must tell you they work like a charm.

The geese which congregated around the pond have disappeared. We have tried a lot of products which claim to keep geese away but this is the only one that works.

Also, I had a light stop working, and your customer service was quick in sending me a replacement light at no charge. Kudos!

Clean Shoes in Pennsylvania after 10 Years of Mess

I would absolutely advise anyone who has geese problems to get one.

Working with Away With Geese was an incredibly easy and efficient process. From fair and affordable pricing, to easy delivery and thorough yet simple installation instructions, Away With Geese delivered a product that met the needs of our property. We look forward to working with you again in the future!

Most Sincere Thanks!

Property Manager Getting Rid of Rooftop Geese in Issaquah, Washington

We produce drinking water at very high standards at The Greater Johnstown Water Authority. The Land Manager of our three reservoirs and over 9,500 acres of watershed property fully endorses the effectiveness of the Away With Geese Water Unit. We as a company have been able to increase the quality of water in our Dalton Run reservoir while simultaneously decreasing the cost of productions by controlling the number of geese that call this area home. I am currently in the process of placing additional units on our largest reservoir, North Fork Run, due to our success with this product. We can report no issues with quality, reliability, or customer service and hope to replicate our results in other locations.

Water Authority: Increased Quality, Decreased Cost of Productions

public Spaces

I own an RV park in Ardmore, OK and was being overrun with geese. It started off with a couple and grew to over 50 in a couple of months. Needless to say, they were making a huge mess in the park. I searched the Internet for a way to eliminate geese and came up with your website. I was somewhat skeptical but ordered your product. Within 2 weeks, all the geese were gone! A few have flown back a couple of times but leave after about an hour. Thanks!

Skeptic Turned Believer at Hidden Lake RV Park in Ardmore, OK

When a large flock of geese suddenly began gathering on Elder High School’s 65-acre athletic complex two years ago, leaving droppings where students practiced and played games, the school’s facilities manager, Dick McCoy, knew he needed to do something fast.

‘The first day I saw 20 geese,’ he said. ‘The next day I saw 30 or 40 geese. After a week there were about 60 geese and they were all over the fields. It was taking hours each day to clean up after them.’
In the fall of 2011, just a few weeks after the initial geese appeared at Elder, the school bought three of Wells’ lights at $350 apiece and placed them around the athletic complex where they can protect up to three acres of space each.

‘After two days of the lights, I never saw them again,’ said McCoy, who now uses the lights during the spring, summer and fall to keep the geese from coming back. He also added a fourth to the school’s tennis courts after the geese showed up there.

(taken from Cincinnati Enquirer Article)

High School Athletic Complex Now Safe and Clean in Cincinnati, Ohio

This is the product I have used with great success! The makers are Away With Geese and their website is At the time I used this, I was the principal of an elementary school with 500 children. We had a large field with the neighboring Shiverick’s Pond as home to our feathered friends. On any given day, there could be 20 or more geese on the field. As a result, we had an ongoing problem with children tracking the goose poop into the building after playing in the field outside. It was everywhere! The hallways were a mess but worse than that, children were sitting on classroom rugs that had been walked across with shoes contaminated by the poop. It dried from the shoes and littered the rooms. It was a health risk. We tried a number of things from air horns to coyote statues but nothing worked. A parent found this solution and offered to purchase it for our school. We had nothing to lose. We installed a land-based unit. Within a couple of weeks, there were less and less geese landing until there were none — except for a random day when a few might forget they were not invited! It was odd to have a day here or there with a sighting but the greater problem was solved.

I would have a recommendation though as you consider a purchase. Follow the guidelines the owners give regarding the number of units needed. We had only one and I think we would have benefited from two. Instead, we moved the unit on occasion if we found that the geese were starting to randomly land. I have moved on to another school but would not hesitate to use this product again if the need arose. And one more thing- the owner is genuinely interested in having the unit work for you! When we had a problem with the flashing mechanism, he stood by the product and immediately sent a replacement at no charge.
I am glad to give my support of this product. If I can be of any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Principal Saves School Children from Health Risks of Geese